Workshop by Dennis Wee on 22nd Sept 2014

Workshop by DTM Dennis Wee
Advanced Speech Manuals-The What?  Why?  How?”  by Dennis Wee
Calling all ladies who have completed their CC manuals. Congratulations and well done ... but why have you stopped and gone into hibernation?
It’s time to shake yourself up, take the bull by the horns… and move forward…to improve beyond the basic Communication Manuals … ..because the journey of Toast Mastering does not stop here....
DTM Dennis Wee presented Crystals with a wonderful Workshop on Advancd Speeches. He gave an in-sight on  The What, Why and How? The importance and why you should continue on the advanced speeches to be ACB, ACS and ACG to excel as a proficient speaker.
Why wait one year, two years?….and before you ever realize….it's already five years…and you are still stuck and undecided on which manual you will pick to continue your Advanced Speeches…
They are altogether 15 sets of manuals to choose from:-
The Entertaining Speaker
Entertaining speakers are always in demand. The five projects address preparing and delivering an entertaining speech, finding good stories and anecdotes to include in speeches, using humor, incorporating drama into presentations, and presenting an after-dinner speech.
TIME: 5-7, 5-7, 5-7, 5-7, & 8-10
Speaking To Inform
Informational speeches are one of the most common types, so most likely you will be asked to present one sometime. This manual contains information about organizing an informational speech, tailoring your speech to the audience, conducting a demonstration, presenting a report, and delivering a speech about an abstract subject.
TIME: 5-7, 5-7, 5-7, 5-7 + 2-3Q/A,  & 8-10
Public Relations
Everyone benefits from the ability to present a good public image. Projects cover preparing a speech that will generate a favorable attitude toward you and your product, company or service, presenting a positive image of yourself and your company or organization on a radio talk show, persuading an audience to accept your viewpoint, addressing a hostile audience, and communicating with the public during a crisis situation.
TIME: 5-7, 3-5 + 2-3 Q/A, 5-7, 3-5 + 2-3Q/A,& 4-6 + 3-5Q/A
Facilitating Discussion
Group discussions are common, and this manual provides instruction in facilitating the most common types of discussions. Learn about moderating a panel discussion, facilitating a brainstorming meeting, leading a problem solving discussion, handling challenging people during discussions, and helping a problem-solving group achieve a consensus.
TIME: 20-45 min each
Specialty Speeches
Speakers are often called upon to give different kinds of talks. This manual contains information about giving the most common ones, and it covers impromptu talks, preparing inspirational speeches, selling a a product, reading out loud, and introducing a speaker.
TIME: 5-7, 8-10, 10-12, 12-15, & 15-20
Speeches by Management
Managers encounter a variety of speaking situations in the work environment. This manual offers instruction in giving briefings, preparing and presenting technical speeches, motivating a team, giving a status report, and speaking to a hostile group.
TIME: 8-10, 8-10, 10-12, 10-12, & 5 + 10Q/A
The Professional Speaker
Professional speakers can give a variety of presentations to a variety of audiences. This manual offers guidance in preparing and presenting a keynote address, an entertaining speech, a sales training speech, a seminar and a motivational speech. Includes information about marketing yourself as a professional speaker.
TIME:  15-20, 15-20, 15-20, 20-40, &  15-20
Technical Presentations
Presenting technical information in a way that doesn’t bore the audience is challenging. Learn how to prepare technical briefings, design and present a proposal, talk about a technical subject to a nontechnical audience, present a technical paper, and plan and give a team presentation.
TIME: 8-10, 8-10, 10-12, 10-12, & 15-20
Persuasive Speaking
Successful people know how to influence and persuade others to accept their ideas, products or services. Projects cover selling a product, making “cold calls,” preparing a winning proposal, convincing an audience to at least consider your side of a controversial issue or subject, and persuading listeners to help bring a vision and mission to reality.
TIME: 8-12, 10-14,  5-7, 7-9, & 6-8
Communicating on Television
Television presentations require special preparation and attention to details. Learn how to present an editorial, appear as a guest on an interview program, be the host of an interview program, conduct a press conference and use television to train.
TIME: 5-7, 5-7, 5-7, 5-7 + 2-3Q/A, & 8-10
A good story enhances your speech and makes it memorable. This manual offers instruction in telling folk tales, personal stories, stories with morals, emotional stories and stories about historical events or people.
TIME: 7-9, 6-8, 4-6, 6-8, & 7-9
Interpretive Reading
Reading words written by someone else requires a special set of skills. Projects include reading stories, poetry, monodramas, plays and famous speeches.
TIME:  8-10, 6-8, 5-7, 12-15,  & 8-10
Interpersonal Communication
Everyday life presents challenging communication situations. Topics in this manual include conversing with ease, negotiating, handling criticism, coaching someone to improve performance, and expressing dissatisfaction effectively.
TIME:  all are 10-14
Special Occasion Speeches
Special events present special speaking opportunities. This manual provides instruction in giving toasts, speaking in praise/giving a eulogy, “roasting” someone, and presenting and accepting awards.
TIME:   2-3, 5-7, 3-5, 3-4, & 5-7
Humorously Speaking
Every speaker benefits from using humor. Learn how to begin a speech with a humorous story to get listeners’ attention, end a speech with a humorous story, use humorous stories and anecdotes throughout the body of your speech to emphasize points, incorporate jokes into presentations, and prepare and present an entirely humorous speech.
TIME: all are 5-7
A word of advice from Dennis…
For those who wish to improve on their “Impromptu speaking” best to take up Interpersonal Communications.
And for those who loves jokes and humor, as in ‘Humorously Speaking’, begin by opening a   ‘Story File’ and start accumulating  funny lines, stories and experiences that you come across in your everyday life to be compiled for use later.
Four speakers presented their speeches:-
KL Cheah 
Emily Bong
Carolyn Wong
Tammy Lim
Champion speaker for the night…….. KL Cheah
Champion for Evaluation ………………. Tan Saw Bee


Prepared by
Tammy Lim
VPE 2014/2015

Uploaded by 
Joey Cheng
VPPR 2014/2015


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