Stand Out. Shine. Be Colourful

Crystal kicked-start the first meeting of the new term with many BIG BANGS ~! Loud and Exciting! Continue reading to find out why.

The first BANG: Embrace your journey!
President Joey chose this theme because she believes that everyone has their strength, ability, and skills. She hopes everyone could make use of toastmaster's platform to unleash, unlock and shine while embracing their journey with us. For the past 22 years, Crystal has empowered countless of successful women. Stars are born and many of the members had also transformed into bolder and better speakers. It wasn't magic, it's the power of confidence, the attitude of believing, and Joey said she was really proud of them!
23rd President: Joey Cheng

The second BANG: It was a combination of Physical + Zoom meeting!

We created history by having Zoom and Physical meeting concurrently. It was all the early planning stages by many parties that made it possible.

Group photo with Zoom participants

3rd BANG: We have Professional Image Consultant - Sheila Wong to share with us, on how to "Stand Out. Shine. Be Colourful"!

Sheila Wong shared tips with the audience on how we can add colours to our life.

4th BANG: See See gave an invocation speech to spice up the colour of our evening.
Yip See See, DTM: Change your life, change the way you look.

5th BANG: Kim Chow, DTM was our General Evaluator who had given us much push - constructive feedback and encouragement - that really boosted the spirit of the new Exco and of course all members present.
Kim Chow, DTM: Mdm president, you really speak from your heart! Which is really important to hold everyone together.

Other highlights of the night:
Our hot and spicy TME: Tan Saw Bee, DTM

Special sharing session speaker: Sheila Wong

It's our honour to have Area B5 Director Vivian Seow to be with us on the first meeting.

Benny Chia was the Best Table Topic Speaker

Best Assignment Speaker: Tammy Lim, DTM

Table Topic Evaluator, Immediate Past Area B5 Director Ogy Ong

GE Kim Chow, DTM

Zoom + Physical meeting - didn't forget to follow RMCO SOP - social distancing.

Irene Lim got her DTM tag. Congratulations!

July birthday celebration.

Table Topics Speakers, Evaluators, and Assignment Speakers.

Ladies love taking photos.

Role players (clockwise from left-upper corner): Catherine - Timer, Serene - Grammarian, Aida - Zoom Master.

Last but not least, our Best Evaluator of the night is Nazaruddin, EC5. We were so drawn to his fantastic durian evaluation until we forgot about the time.

Join us next meeting and let's continue the fire!


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