Key Notes for the Meeting 27 September 2010

Dear Members and Guests

It was a Great Surprise to us, when a group of people walked into the Meeting room........

Mr Low Hong Keng, Head of Business School from KBU International College walked in with his lecturer and with his five students from KBU. Crystal ladies greeted them with a warm welcome. All members and guests settle to their seat, as order was announced by the Sergeant at arms(SAA)

Madam President Lee Mei Foong ACB, gave her opening speech. Her key message was to advise us, not to be easily influence by negative remarks and to eliminate all 'rubbish' to the garbage truck.

The theme of the evening was ‘to do or not to do’.

Novice TME, Bong YiLin CC, did well in her introduction by structuring a poem. How was Toastmasters founder Dr Raph Smedley started this program with his group of friends.

Grammarian Chin Teng Yoong CTM, encourage us to use this Word of the evening, Discerning - having showing good judgment or understanding.

Impromptu time! Table Topic Master Linda Phoon TM, went on stage with a big box.

Guess what!
We all thought she's doing the impromptu magic show instead of impromptu speech (lol)Five speakers, a combination of Toastmasters members and non Toastmasters members were doing equally well.

Our guests Mr Low and Nalina delivered a good speech, despite of the unknown topic they pick.

Table Topic Evaluator Karen Hee ATMB, commented that all speakers were doing well.
Karen pointed out in regards of how good the speakers were, there are always room for improvement. Her advice was ‘never apologize when you are on stage’.

Three assignment speakers doing CC Manual project.

Joann Gam TM, talk about the danger, if one addicted to “on line game”.Casey Cheah TM, speech was about the children in this modern age.
Emily Bong CC, was shocked to see her Caucasian man friend, wearing a skirt at the airport.

Mentor , Mentee Induction as follows:
Mentor Mentee
Tan Saw Bee --------- Low Boon Har
Low LayChi --------- Najwa Amira
Lee Mei Foong ---------- Julie Lee
Chin Teng Yoong -------- Diana Ong
Ng Sok Teng ---------- Joann Gam
Emily Bong ---------- Amy Hiew
Carolin Chin ---------- Wong Shieh Ying

Diana, Shien Ying, Julie and Joanne being installed as new members.

To all new members who has just join, Welcome to Crystal Toastmasters Club.

As stated above, a Mentor has been assigned to you. Your Mentor is to help you, in your Toastmaster Learning Journey. Do not hesitate to contact them, as they are more than happy to guide you all the way, from preparing your speech to presenting on stage.

Happy Birthday to Karen Hee!A birthday celebration for Karen Hee during the break....

Karen, wishing you a very Happy Birthday & all the best in all your undertaking & many more wonderful years ahead!

Before I end my session, as usual I would like to thank all role players for making this another successful meeting. A special thanks to our General evaluator Low LayChi ACB, being so comfortable taken control over the second session .

Thank you to our Area Governor, Gan Poh Lin ACS, for visiting us.....

Last but not least, I would like to extent our gratitude to Carolin Chin ATMB, for inviting seven guests from KBU to visit our club.

Karen, your smile cheer every one of us ^-^

Linda installed 4 new members

Emily Bong


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