Power of Your Voice on 14th September 2015

The Power of Your Voice!
Our President, Tammy Lim, kicked started the meeting with her sharing of a few tips in decision making. Tips to consider include differentiation between big and small matters, perfection is not the key and lastly, setting a time limit. 
Our ever dedicated and committed TME, bubbly Serene Ting enthusiastically engaged the audience with an empowering voice in line with theme "Power of Your Voice"
To add on to her enthusiasm, we had the honour of our charming Area B4 Director, Dylan Chew as our General Evaluator inspiring our Crystals to continue to shine and empower others with the Power of Our Voice..
Next, we have our motivating Table Topics Master, Sharon Lam, who successfully challenged 5 Table Topic Speakers with wise and beautiful quotations which all Speakers confidently delivered their speeches enthusiastically.
Speaker #1...KL Cheah       Speaker #2...Claire Chok
A journey of a thousand miles begins            The more you praise and celebrate your life, 
with a single step                the more life to celebrate
Congratulations to Claire...voted Best Table Topics Speaker!
Speaker #3...Hema Hee        Speaker #4...Matilda Ho
Life is like riding a bicycle,        Setting goals, is the first step
to keep your balance,           in turning the invisible 
your must keep moving                           into the visible
Speaker #5...Gwen
If you can dream it, you can do it!
Our Table Topics Evaluator, IPP Division B Governor, Ng Sok Teng, congratulated all the speakers for their well delivered interesting speeches and recommended some pointers for all to further enhance their future speeches.
Moving on to the Assignment Speeches Session, we had 4 inspiring Assignment Speakers, Esther Koh & Sue Ellen attempting their CC Manual, and  Lee Mei Foong with Michelle Chia who did their project speeches from the ACS Manuals.
Assignment Speaker #1...Esther Koh        Assignment Speaker #2...Sue Ellen Tan
CC#1 "May I Speak English"             CC#6..."Flip Side of a Coin"
Assignment Speaker #3...Lee Mei Foong     Assignment Speaker #4...Michelle Chia
ACS Speeches by Management                 ACS Specialty Speech
Project #3 (Persuade and Inspire)         Project #2 (Uplift the Spirit)
"Think Green"                                    "Conquering the Enemy Within"
Congratulations to Michelle...voted as Best Assignment Speaker!

Kudos to all our Assignment Speech Evaluators, Saw Bee, Karolyn, See See & Hema, who  generously imparted a couple of invaluable recommendations for our 4 speakers, Esther, Sue Ellen, Mei Foong & Michelle, on how to further enhance their future speeches.
Another BIG thank you to our dashing General Evaluator, Dylan Chew

Empowered To Excel ….

Jennifer Pan,  ACB/ALB
Crystal Toastmasters Club
Vice President Of Education: Term - 2015/2016


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