Crystal TMC Meeting Keynotes 28th April 2014‏

Turn Back the Clock Johnny Hates Jazz
Thank you TME CC KL Cheah for bringing us back to our memory lane, to make us looked back with gratitude and no regrets, be it in good times or bad times.  She further fostered our memory by playing a song sung by Johnny Hates Jazz – “Turn Back the Clock”.
All the audience were indulging themselves into their own memory by singing along with the song lyrics displayed on the screen.

ACS ALB Emily Bong brought us back to the present by tickling our funny bone “on purpose”. 
The audience are awakened by her telephone demonstration of different emotions on UPSET, ANGRY, MAD AND RIDICULOUS.
We now realized that one telephone call can actually trigger different kind of emotions.

The atmosphere was further “heighten up” by our seasonal table topic master TM Serene Ting who vividly prepared some proverb for the volunteers to explore. Our young and vibrant guest, Claire Chok took the challenge to be the first table topic speaker. She recalled her memory on her transformation on public speaking skills through blessing in disguised. Whereas CC Aida Angdisclosed her secret on how she, her sister and mother boycott their father by wearing short pants. Anyway, a leopard cannot change its spot, her father remains conservative despite their efforts. Our other guest, Fiona prefers to move and looks forward to the future despite her unpleasant memories. Finally our 3 times champion TM Lim Pei Ying won away the best table topic speaker by coaching the audience on how “A stitch in Time Saves Nine” through the below technics;
1.      Always keep your mind open
2.      Leverage the risk with other people’s help
3.      Never, Never and Never ever think that the hole will stitch back by itself
Bravo to our champion TM Lim Pei Ying.
To satisfy our hearing skills, TM Lim Pei Ying continues presenting her third assignment speech entitled “Brush Away the Blush”. She taught us on how to handle the embarrassing moments by overcoming it through the techniques below;
1.      Don’t be afraid to tilt.
2.      Keep the right tense
3.      Laugh it out loud with your friends
4.      Step away from the looking glass

From her speech, we learnt that embarrassing moments sometimes is a rainbow to our life and makes life more colourful.

After the technics on overcoming the embarrassing moments, TM Pua Yu Min brought us through the life lesson of Coco Chanel. She named a few Coco Chanel life quotes for us to ponder of:

1.     A women should be two things : Classy and Fabulous
2.     In order to be irreplaceable, one must be different
3.     Success is most often achieved by those who know that failure is inevitable
4.     Don’t spend time  beating to a wall, hoping to transform into a door
5.     The most courageous act is still to think for yourself, Aloud
Bravo TM Yu Min. From her speech, we learnt that we must accept failure courageously and dare to rock the boat in order to achieve success in life.

Inspired by Coco Chanel’s life lesson, TM Vivien Seow personalised her life story by telling us how she overcome her life adversity. She suffered rheumatoid arthritis since a very young age and underwent a few surgeries from year 2006 to 2013. She brought us through her ups and downs to the currently strong lady who is standing before us.
She summarised her life journey by the below quote;
“Life is like driving on the road. Sometimes smooth and comfortable, sometimes bumpy and chaotic.”
She finally decided to slow down and enjoy the scenery instead of regretting and complaining. TM Vivien Seow, we salute your courage and pray for your smooth riding in the future.
All evaluators praised the speakers for their hard works and provided some rooms of improvement for their future development. Our GE, DTM G. Sivalingam nailed us right on the video and audio session which rightfully should not exceed 2 minutes. Thank you GE for your sharp observation.
Standing ovation is given to TM Vivien Seow for completing her 10 speeches. Congratulations to the ladies below who are the champions in their own field;
1.     TM Lim Pei Ying                  -           Best Table Topic Speaker
2.     TM Pua Yu Min                   -           Best Assignment speaker
3.     ATMS, CL Yip See See        -           Best Evaluator                                                 
         Congratulations...........Best Table Topic Speaker Lim Pei Ying
Yes.........Coco Chanel......Best Assignment Speaker Pua Yu Min
  Hay......Can you See...Can you See.....Its ME, See See - Best Evaluator
 Happy Birthday Tammy.
Hmm.....while you are making a wish.....I am thinking about the cake, and..... someone is eyeing on it !!!
Key Notes by Ogy Ong, VPE 2013-2014
Uploaded by Nicole Yap, VPPR 2012-2014


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