Crystal TMC Meeting Key notes -23 Sept 2013

YES……….You will probably have a better understanding on the subject matter had you attended the meeting on September 23, 2013.
Toastmasters Of the Evening,
Yip See See
 A “BIG” thank you goes to our ever supportive toastmasters of the evening ATMS Yip See See for instilling such a great idea of books exchange during the meeting.  With her 15 years experience in toastmastering, there were no surprises that she is able to lay another solid foundation for Crystal Toastmasters Club. On that night, “Crystal Clap” was being introduced by her with the below rhythm:
“1, 2”
“1, 2, 3, 4”
“1, 2”
She urged all members to keep that rhythm in minds and apply it after every session being performed. You can assured that she meant “business” by constantly reminding members to apply the same clap throughout the night.  Bravo to See See for the wonderful job done.
Our IPP CC CL Ng Siew Tho stands in strong with her “Invocation session” by instilling the “Seeds” idea extracted from “Law Of The Seeds”.  She encouraged all members to plant the “Communication Seed” to become a great communicator.
The “Communication Seed” from Siew Tho was eventually burst into laughter by our evergreen humour master ACB ALB Emily Bong. She smartly burst our “Ms. Malaysian English language Seed” into a laughing matter. It is indeed unimaginable. Bravo to Emily.
Table Topic Master, Tammy Lim
In conjunction with the theme, “All About Books”, our Table Topic Master CC Tammy Lim generously donated her collections to encourage members to take part in table topic session. Without much effort, 4 volunteers were happily accepted the gifts and freely presented their views and opinions. 

From there, we have better understanding on the 4 speakers. Teng Yoong preferred reading the physical books rather than e-books. Datin Matilda try to get back her soul by reading English literature. Jennifer Pan likes to browse through Toastmaster International Website to update herself on latest TI news. Whereas TM Elmira appeared to be the best table topic speaker by applying her knowledge from “Law Of Attraction” which changed her life perception.
Vivien's speech turned
Joey into a waitress and actually
served a glass of red wine.

Our first assignment speaker TM Vivien Seow surprised us on some important health information as below stated from drinking a glass of wine everyday:
Wine contains Anti-Aging agents
  1. Prevent Stoke
  2. Prevent Heart Decease
  3. Prevent Dementia and Alzheimer
  4. Helps in treatment of Arthritis.
Elmira presenting final speech of CC Manual

Our second assignment speaker TM Elmira inspired us with her speech title “Comet In My Life”. She inspired us of her life transformation. We are amazed by how she struggle through different stages of life and finally achieved the goal that has been set long time ago. She left 3Gs for us to bring back:

1st G – Goal Oriented (set the goal)

2nd G – Golden Time (focus on presence)

3rd G – Gaining (Never stop taking chances)
YES…………Toastmasters rewards those who make contribution. TM Elmira was again awarded as the Best Speakers of the night and earned a standing ovation for completing the competent communicator manual. Bravo and kudos to CC Elmira.
Our third assignment speaker CC Esther Then brought us through a few steps in making cold call. She advises us to adopt strategy “ADAPT”when making cold call:
Jennifer role playing during Esther speech

A – Assessment
– Discovery
– Activation
P – Projection
T – Transition

She also “LOCATE” us on how to turn cold call into hot lead:
L – Listen
O – Observe
C – Combine
A – Ask
T – Talk
E – Empathize
Esther further fostered our understanding through role play session and take opportunity to ask for valuable suggestion for improvement.
Karen role played for Irene's speech

After learning on how to make cold call, ACS ALS Irene Lee coach us on 5 coaching process:

  1. Do some research
  2. Analysed the situation
  3. Reason for discussion
  4. Follow Up
  5. Appreciation
Her role play session is indeed beneficial to those who want to be a successful Coach.

ATMB Karolyn Wong as a Table Topic Evaluator praises 4 impromptu speakers for their courage and provides room of improvement to sharpen their presentation skills.
All the speech evaluators, CC KL Cheah, ATMB Karen Hee, ACB CL Benny chia and ACB ALB Jennifer Pan praises all the speakers who are able to uplift the audience and demonstrate passion in their speeches. ACB CL Benny Chia especially introduced Ms. “AIDA” in his evaluation session. Anyone who is interested to polish their evaluation skill can always keep Ms. “AIDA” in mind:
A – Attention
I – Interest
D – Desire
A – Action

History was created by Elmira 
Best Speaker, Best Table Topic Speaker and Competent Communicator
  How I wish ...........

Best Evaluator  Jennifer Pan 
Any challenger ????????

Special Award from Meya to Saw Bee for her passion and contributions 
As area B4 governor term 2012/2013
She is indeed our role model................

Birthday Bees - Yip See See, Jennifer Pan & Karen Hee
             Why only two candles?????
Before we adjourned home, all the members were happily exchanged their books. It is indeed a fruitful night.
Together We Stay Close To Each Other. Together We Shine The Brightest.
Key notes by Ogy Ong, VPE 2013/ 2014 
Uploaded by Nicole Yap, VPPR 2012-2014


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