Club Officer Training (COT) 1

A Club Officer Training (COT 1) was organized on 9th July 2011 by Division B & C. The Organizing Chairman was none other than Area B5 Governor, Nancy Liew and Area C7 Governor, Hong Soon Leong. The opening address was done by Division B Governor, Lim Lay Kun, ACB CL.

Some of the photos taken before the meeting.

The District 51 Official was there to give their support as well.

1. District 51 Governor - Sue Chan, DTM
2. LGM - Kang Faang Pyng, DTM
3. LGET - Ramdas Nayar, DTM

COT Facalitators are as follow :-

1. Lee Wei Seong / Yvonne Leong touching on the topic of President.
2. Lim Thian Seng / Lee Meng Tze touching on the topic of Vice President
3. Burney Choo / Bushra Algiffri touching on the topice of VPM
4. Julian Gan / Sarah Abedi touching on the topic of VPPR
5. Teoh Chun Meng / Danny Bong touching on the topic of Secretary
6. Henry Foo / Rosa Phua touching on the topic of Treasurer
7. Lim Hui Shan / Robert Ram touching on the topic of SAA

Being a VPPR for this term, I was given the privilege to  attend the VPPR session to have a greater view on the role. The session was well planned and organized.

I would like to share a photo of me taken with Sarah as the saying goes " ........ a photo says a thousand words ...... "  See the smiles on our faces.

Further on towards the evening, TLI Chairman, G. Sivalingam, DTM, was briefing us on " ....... WIKI ...... ". It is a website whereby you can get information on the where about the workshop going to be. For more details or information, please visit the website.

Some of the officers at the Questions & Answers session.

It was a fruitful day for all of us. On top of that, we had achieve half a DCP goal, by having 4 persons to attend this COT 1.

Happy ...... happy ............. happy .....................

Signing off
Linda Phoon


  1. Crystal EXCO members attendess:
    President : Emily Bong,CC
    VP- Education : Ng Siew Tho,CC
    VP-Membership : Joann Gam,CC
    VP-Public Relation: Linda Phoon, TM
    Treasurer : Serene Ting, TM
    Committee Member : Ogy Ong, TM


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