Keynotes for 11 Jan 2011 Meeting

Dear Crystal Ladies, fellow Toastmasters friends from MBTC and Tmn Indrahana and guests,
33 pax ! What a great attendance for this 1st meeting of the Golden Rabbit year, Yeah !! That night was such a special night because……..

1) Encouraging and high attendance. In Chinese, 33 means Sang Sang Fatt Fatt symbolizes prosperity. I am sure we will prosper and continue to have high attendance for all coming meetings.

2) Support from other Toastmasters. We have 4 toastmasters friends came in to play roles
a. From MBTC TMC, we have …
Sam Leong, the President, as Evaluator for Tan Saw Bee.
Vincent Ho, as our Table Topics Evaluator

b. From Tmn Indrahana,
Yeoh Cheng Lim, as our General Evaluator
Dr Devi, as our Grammarian

THANK YOU !!!! Sam, Vincent, Yeoh and Dr Devi for being with us and supporting us !

From left, Sam Leong, Saw Bee, Vincent. Our Great G.E. Yeoh Cheng Lim
3) We achieved 6 DCP points (within first 7 months of the term) following Lee Mei Foong completing her ALB project on that night.

4) Happy Birthday to U, Happy Birthday to U…Happy Birthday to …..Siew Tho, Teng Yoong, Julie Lee and Siew Eng.

Birthday Girls In Action

The role players were :_
Ng Siew Tho, TME, I salute her commitment and dedication to make sure the meeting is run properly. Clap, clap, clap ……all of us enjoyed the meeting so much. Siew Tho, well done !
Yeoh Cheng Lim, General Evaluator, gave us many positive and constructive feedback for the Club to progress and grow to greater heights. Yeoh, Thank You for sharing.

Dr Devi, our Dr of Grammarian, introduced word of the day “Resolution”. We learnt so much from her expertise in English language. Dr Devi, TQVM < > !
Najwa, AR Counter, she demonstrated attentive and good listening skills by point out speech crunches made by the speakers. Najwa, good effort !
Caroline Wong, our ever Humorous HM tickled our funny bones with her story and Woman’s wish list of man. We have good laugh and were entertained. Caroline, wonderful work !
Joan Gam, despite being new (2nd time) to TTM role yet so creative in running her session with topics around New Year theme. Joan, You can do it !
Casey Cheah, our efficient Ms Rolex ensure we start and end the meeting on time. Casey shown good progress in being TIMER. Practice make perfect ! Casey, keep it up !
Serene Ting, our ever supportive and multi-tasking “911”, took up the roles as SAA and part time Treasurer. Serene, great effort !

The speakers were :-
1st speaker – Boon Low, TM, surprised us with her impromptu speech titled “Maid”. She was such a natural and confident speaker on stage. I am confident to see her on stage again on 28 Feb for our Club Table Topic Contest.

2nd speaker – Tan Saw Bee, ACG, one of our important pillars and great supporter of the CLub, shared with us on her “Bucket List” (skiing experience). We were entertained by her humorous story and impressive actions.

3rd speaker – Lee Mei Foong, ACB Cl, talked to us on “Evaluate to Motivate” from The Successful Club Series. By completing this speech, she contributed 1 ALB goal to the Club. Bravoooooo.

Best Speaker Awards for the night were :-
Best Speech Speaker – Tan Saw Bee
Best Table Topic Speaker - Najwa

Warmest regards,
Mei Foong


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