Crystal Toastmasters Meeting on 23rd March 2015 by TME Sue Ellen

It was an evening filled with fervent energy and enthusiasm with Sue Ellen who took over the rostrum as TME with her theme: Step Up and Move On....

 As an old and popular member of Crystals, expectation level was set sky high for that night. What  more with the President away on a work assignment and the poor Acting President and Yours Truly had to by default, take the centre  stage with her heart in her mouth!!!

Yes the Club has achieved 10/10 DCP goals, thank you to all who have made this happened. But where do we go from now?

Definitely  it is no hibernation time for us. There is no stopping now. We need acceleration!

As Sue Ellen had said, we have to step up and move on together to reach for more pinnacles and I have to remind all that we have the next Crystal’s commitment to full-fill. 

“ The 10/10 DCP goals for the next term 2015/2016 has just begun....”

The night saw several gutsy ladies who so willingly took the bull by the horns do what they have never done before......

Hurray and Congratulations to the following ladies:
You have made it!!!  How you did it is secondary but the fact that you braved and dared your all is simply awesome.
1.  Ivy Chin who did her ICE BREAKER.....  that was a good starting point but we want to hear you more so please keep going, IVY...
2. Pei Ying .....evaluator to Ivy Chin’s Ice Breaker speech
3. Aida .... evaluator for Table Topics
4. Joey Cheng .....evaluator to Joanne’s speech CC # 3

Tan Saw Bee, ACG, ALB presented her Invocation piece by giving an account on her snorkelling experience in Indonesia . She also shared a take home message... “Our life is an experiment”  and “Grab the friendly opportunity to open up because the stage is not going to swallow you up”
Thank you Saw Bee for the encouragement especially to the new members.

Listen, listen girls..... grab this chance to come forward to the stage...

“All the world's a stage and most of us are desperately unrehearsed.”
Seán O'Casey

We are all actors and actresses to create a friendly movie so girls come on....the stage needs YOU!

And thank you Datin Matilda who has made a surprised comeback  with her CC # 3 – Speak to the point titled ’Shopping with a Purpose’  The speech was very informative and it became a hot topic especially for Crystals girls who simply love to shop till they drop.

Next came Joanne Hoo who spoke on ‘Its a Multitasker’ . (CC # 3). Furthermore the crowd had a rude awakening when she suddenly plonked her black and sexy lingerie in front of everybody. Wow... that was sheer vanity, creativity and very entertaining.  In her speech she adviced that we must be appropriately attired at all times to suit each function such as marketing, bedtime, office etc. There is no one clothes for all needs.  We need to invest in different sets of clothes for different occasions. Thank you Joanne for the good sharing.

Champions for the night goes to.......
Best Evaluator and Table Topics .. Lim Pei Ying, CC
Best speaker...... Datin Matilda Ho

And thank you to the following who were in attendance:
1. Encik Ahmad Hafiz Yahaya, CC(Phoenix Toastmasters Club)as General Evaluator
2. DTM, Victor Ong who was the Grammarian
3. Ashton Fong, TM a speaker for assignment CC #8

See you all in the next meeting by TME Joey Cheng on 13th April 2015
By Tammy Lim
Vice President(Education)

Uploaded by
Joey Cheng
VPPR Term 2014/2015


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