"What The World Needs Now" by our TME Yip See See

What the World Needs Now
Time really flies! And before we realize, one year silently crept by and now
it is almost gone and we have to say goodbye to year 2014!!!
8th December 2014 was one important day to reflect and cherish. Why?
Because it was, not only the last meeting of the year but the meeting was
hosted by someone very special.
As the TME for the evening, Yip See See took great pains to ensure that
the meeting was a 100% success.
In fact it was more of a Xmas party than a meeting!
The air was filled with so much happiness and laughter. Members and
guests paraded excitedly in their bling bling outfits with matching
accessories and Santas Claus hats. Tinsels, ribbons, dolls and tiny delicate
cards bearing personal messages were seen dangling from the Xmas
The turnout was fantastic and my….The guests list was unusually long too!
So VPE….you have lots of work to do….
And most appropriately used was the theme of the meeting…
What the world needs now” followed by the Table Topics which kept the
theme in tandem…
Food was abundant. Thrown in was the Best Food Contest. The judges
had their hands and mouths full while tasting the different foods presented
by the contestants.
It goes without saying that See See has done her best in bringing the whole
meeting ALIVE! She has given her ALL and made it a meeting ‘best in
class’Thank you and well done See See.
I may have been carried away by the vibrant party mood but my good old
ears did not fail to catch a few good phrases being used during the
Where there is love, there is LIFE.... …
You cannot tell, you cannot sell, haha……
Congratulations to all the best speakers as follows:-
Best Speaker……… Nana Halim
Best Table Topics … Lim Pei Ying
Best Evaluator …… Low Yat Seow
And not forgetting the best Pop-Up Chef for the night…..
The Champion Chef of the Night !
Nana with her Indonesian Cuisine

Welcome to Crystal Toastmasters Club 

KL Cheah with her Gingerman Cookies
President with our Distinguish Guests

SAA of the Night - Vivien

Who is the Best .... of the night ?

Our Shinning and Charming Ladies

 Merry Christmas, Merry Merry Christmas 
Keynotes by
Tammy Lim
VPE 2014/2015

Uploaded by
Joey Cheng
VPPR 2014/2015


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