Crystal Toastmasters Meeting on 11th August 2014, Theme : Peace & Harmony

Crystal Toastmaster Meeting on 11th August 2014

Theme :  Peace & Harmony

Due to the inclement weather that spun off massive traffic jams that evening, the meeting almost had a chaotic start.   A number of role players and speakers were held up and could not arrive on time. And worst of all, the honorable President was also stuck in the jam!
Amidst all the anguish and anxiety, the meeting finally took off at 7.33pm, which saw a delay of 3mins against our “timely” start time which has been the culture of Crystals.
With the “Acting President and Yours Truly” giving the opening address, all done in a jiffy, I want to give a  big thank you  to our host for that evening, our  Toast Master of the Evening, Serene Ting who expertly crafted and juggled the whole program and speech slots to accommodate whoever who arrived first.
“Peace and Harmony” was the message brought in by the TME. Make peace and the world could be a better place…And peace begins from within. Do to others what you wish others to do onto you.  So we have to be mindful with our words and actions because what goes around comes around.  Like a boomerang.

​Serene Ting, as TME

Next, the Invocation Master also shared  another powerful and valuable piece  on Inner Peace which is mind and heart purification. Feel the pain and let go and to forgive yourselves and others. Yes we have learnt a lot from you Karen Hee.Thank you for your priceless sharing.
Joey Cheng as Table Topic Master then took stage and  five fearless speakers took the challenge with much confidence . The table topic  titles  were  aligned to the theme of “ Peace and Harmony.”

​ACB,CL,Jennifer talks about her dream and her achievement in her Toast Masters CC and CL journey. oh what a journey!  Let this be a message for the new comers or those caught on crossroads; we can do it if we follow the footsteps of Jennifer…

TM,Claire – “Unity we are One” was her title . Now we know that Claire is not only a talented speaker but also a follower and truly  a fan of Excel, a Korean Band, no doubt about that.

DTM G.Sivalingam – his true meaning of “Live Life to the Fullest” is a little twist from our expectations. For him the meaning of living life to the fullest  is sitting down and watching his favorite TV series and accepting everything in gratitude.

ACS,ALS,Irene Lee – half a battle won if you SMILE….. As usual we will never forget Irene and her great smile on her face at all times.

CC,Esther Then – delivered her thoughts and expressions on the importance of appreciating  what you have at that moment because every moment counts and cannot be relived in “Live in the Present Moment….”

Congratulations to all the Impromptu speakers. I salute you for your courage and you are definitely getting better and closer…..

There were a total of four assignment speakers;

Lim Pei Ying CC No 6- Up From Slavery – spoke well with good gestures and vocal variety on Mr Booker T.Washington who, born a slave and ended up being a dominant leader in the African-American community.

CC,ALB Jennifer Pan – gave a dynamic presentations on “Persuade & Inspire” on her advanced speech on Speeches by Management. Jennifer, You have truly inspired the audience especially when you reminded us of  Sunita, our ex YLP recruit by projecting an image of her  and how she was transformed within two days.
And the last speaker, ATMB Karolyn, …. She related about her two neck-breaking car accidents in the Story Telling Project ..  Thank God, You are still alive, Karolyn.
At the finale, our General Evaluator, DTM, Dr Peter Thong gave the club super-excellent comments…..

Thumbs Up Crystals,
                         HE LOVES OUR GOOD ADMINISTRATIONS
Results of the champions for the night are… drum roll please…
Best Table Topic – DTM, G.Sivalingam
Best Assignment Speaker – ATMB, Karolyn Wong
Best Evaluator – ACG, CL Yip See See 

​Eileen Pan (a guest) and Jennifer Pan....No they aint sisters!

Written by Tammy Lim, VPE 2014/2015
Uploaded by Joey Cheng, VPPR 2014/2015


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