Crystal TMC Meeting Keynotes 11 Nov 2013‏

Fabulous Kebaya
Yes………..You will never believe this, all ladies on the night were instantly transformed into 3 Cs lady:

Bravo…………all ladies were charming and committed to bring out the best and confidence in showing off their individual hidden talent. Kudos to all.
TME Lee Mei Foong first show off herself confidently in fabulous kebaya that admired by most ladies. She was charming and committed in carrying out her duty seriously. You can feel her seriousness by her introduction on her team of role players. She is indeed a lady of principle.
Her seriousness was soften by our ever fabulous lady ATMS Yip See See, a gentle spoken person with her melodies voice. All the table topic speakers were half charmed by her sweet voice in volunteered themselves on the table topic session. How I wish to learn from her on this “Special talent”.

Keep Your Promise
Next, our first speaker TM Nana Halim harnessed the seriousness through her speech “Keeping Your Promise.” She quoted‘A promise made is a debt unpaid.”  Don’t make a promise if you can’t fulfil it. Once we break our promise too often, the trust that our children, spouse, friends and acquaintances, staff or bosses have in us will recede.  She ended her speech with a German proverb; “Promises are like the full moon, if there are not kept at once, there diminished day by day.” So Ladies, promise only what you can deliver, then deliver more than you promise.

 It's Paper Qualification
Our second speaker TM Nicole Yap is completing her CC10 tonight.  She brought us through her career life journey. She entered workforce at age 18. Along the way of her career life, she picked up a few advises on taking professional paper qualification but unfortunately, all in vain. She further impressed us on how her strong determination brought her through to what she is today - A project manager in one of the famous financial institution in town. She will continue uphold her belief and try even harder to proof her capabilities. My salute to you...........Nicole Yap.

Team Building
Our third speaker  CC Esther Then energized us on her new project for year 2013 – Team Building (Jungle survival).  From her presentation, we learned that she is a well organized, detailed and insightful lady. She briefed on items provided and items need to be provided by the participants. She ended her speech by conveying the message from the management and wish everyone has a pleasant and adventurous journey.

 Mentoring is the backbone of the success of our Youth Leadership Program. Therefore, a special briefing session has been allocated for ACG Tan Saw Bee. She briefed us on criteria to be a good mentor. She advised us to listen, build trust and have faith with mentee.  Thank you Saw Bee for your thoughtfulness.

Induction ceremony
After 15 minutes of fellowship, 4 new members were inducted as listed below;
1. TM Lee Kit Yuen
2. TM Rachel Tan
3. TM Vivien Lea (absent)
4. TM Datin Maltilda
Welcome to Crystal Toastmasters Club Ladies. We LOVE you!
Have you ever witness a dramatize table topic evaluation??? Our ever energetic and talented  ACG Low Laichy proudly presents to you her dramatic evaluation on table topic speakers. Her vivid evaluation skill is an “eye opener” for all of us. It is indeed a “Big Loss” to those who missed it.
All speech evaluators were given their constructive evaluation and provide room of improvement for the speakers to bring back. Bravo!
Bravo..... Best Speaker + Competent Communicator
Yeah.....Best Table Topic Speaker

Yes.....Best Evaluator
Congratulations......Best Dress 
Happy Birthday..........Mei Foong, you must be very hungry.....
Congratulations......President Distinguished Club for year 2012/2013
All fabulous Kebaya  in a ROW.....................

Key notes by Ogy Ong, VPE 2013/ 2014
Uploaded by Nicole Yap, VPPR 2012-2014


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