Crystal TMC Meeting Keynotes 25 Nov 2013‏

Thankful For The Little Things
Take a deep look at the sentence and contemplate for a second………..
Do we really express our thankfulness to every little thing that came across our life?
Do you know that the little action from you by just attending our fortnightly meeting is like a booster dose to the TME to conduct the entire meeting confidently?
YES….of course you do. Your attendance speaks louder than your voice. Bravo and Kudos to all of you for your continuous and unwavering supports all these years. Your contributions are beyond words can ever describe.
Thank you very much.
CC Aida Ang is probably one of the youngest members in our club, but she is the one special lady who can actually blend in very well with all the ladies regardless of age. She has this special talent within her to be thankful for. And today, she extend her thankfulness throughout the entire meeting and encouraged all the attendees to think for a second or two of the people who have impacted their life the most and  say a big “silent thank you” to them. Bravo Aida!

The impact of thankfulness can even be seen from our invocator, CC Esther Then who then reminded us that everyone has 86400 seconds a day. She encouraged us to take a second every day to express our gratitude to the little things in our life. We are deeply in touch on her demonstration in expressing the thankfulness.
Our adrenaline were pumped up by the table topic master CC Ogy Ong who brought in some little things to the members and encourage them to express their thankfulness and gratitude to the little things they choose. All volunteers are deeply in joy and able to relate the little thing on their hand to the person they want to be thankful for.
Our first speaker, TM Lee Kit Yuen did her “ice breaker” by telling us about the changes of her life.  According to her, life is like a box of chocolate, if you never have it, you will never know what is inside. Being the youngest in the family, her life was well arranged by her parents till she joined the workforce. She was caught in the dilemma between serving her clients well or contributes effectively, efficiently and economically to the company. Her sister encouraged her to join Crystal Toastmasters Club to know more about the outside world. She was enlightened by Crystal Toastmasters Club’s activities. She is now accepting the changes with an open mind. She ended her speech by saying: “Changes is not easy but most importantly we never give up.” Well said Kit Yuen.
Second speaker in the pipeline is ACS ALS Ng Sok Teng. She started off her speech by sharing a quote from William Shakespeare’s King Lear, “Nothing will come of nothing.” In the other hand, something must come from something! YES.......Everything comes from a “seed”, be it a thought, word oraction. However, it will take a lot of effort of consistency, persistency and insistency before it grows into a fruit. From her speech, we now have a better understanding about her toastmasters journey which can be best described by a quotation from Aristotle:
“Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet.” She ended her speech by advising us to plant a good seed and nurtures it with our faith for it will bear fruits eventually.

Next in line is a truly animated person all the way from Taylor University. She guided us on “Freud Theory” by explaining to us that the human mind is controlled by their desire which is called “id”. From her speech, we have a better understanding about the three stages of human psyche – id, ego, and super ego. She told us how she went through these three stages that made her a better person now.

While our minds were congested by all the theories from the previous 3 speakers, TM Vivien Seow finally relaxed our mind through a fairy tales of 5 princess’s hair clips. Upon listening to the fairy tales, we learnt that imperfection doesn’t always means bad. Sometimes it is truly a blessing in disguised. YES....integrity is paid at the end of the day. We should put away our imperfection and never let it be a hinder to our life.
Our table topic evaluator CC Ng Siew Tho congratulates all the table topic speakers by being able to relate the little gift in hand with their own personal story. Room of improvement are still present for all speakers for their own personal development.
A big THANK YOU goes to our two guest evaluators, Shalini from Monash University and Yong Hean from Sunway University for vividly giving their evaluations to our first two speakers. Same goes to our ever charming and enchanting ladies ATMS Yip See See and DTM Deborah Leong for their insightful evaluations session.
Not forgetting our “Serious” General Evaluator, ACG Tan Saw Bee for being able to highlight each and every subject matter that needs improvement. Thank you Saw Bee for diligently guiding us through the whole meeting. For all you do, for whom you are, we will be forever grateful that you are one of our pioneer members. Thank you very much.
Congratulations....Best Assignment Speaker
See....See....can you see..... Best Table Topic speaker is....... ME !
YES !!! I am The Best Evaluator.  Kiss....Kisssss
Finally... my turn now......Ice Breaker
Dear Crystal ladies,
Enjoy the little things in your life, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things.
Key notes by Ogy Ong, VPE 2013/ 2014
Uploaded by Nicole Yap, VPPR 2012-2014


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