Crystallizing A Dream

Crystallizing A Dream
By Tan Saw Bee ACG CL Past president ( 2000/2001)

Crystal Toastmasters Club is an all women club because the founders believed that “ A woman is a full circle. Within her is the power to create , nurture and transform.” Based on that belief the founders crafted a special mission for the club i.e to empower women so that they can rewrite their destiny .

It cannot be denied that it would be difficult to achieve this special mission if we were to be a mixed club . On this note , I must clarify that whilst our club may be pro-women we are not anti-men . We love the guys who have supported and helped us all these years . Koon Kow , Siva & Benny and many others -thank you for being our ardent supporters .

Crystal Toastmasters is a regular Toastmasters Club and we work assiduously towards manifesting TI’s mission which is to provide a supportive and positive learning environment so that members will be able to develop communication and leadership skills resulting in greater confidence and personal growth. We realize we need to achieve TI’s mission in order that that our club’s special mission could be achieved . That’s because women would have a better chance of rewriting their destiny if they are empowered with strong communication and leadership skills .

We like to believe that Crystal Toastmasters Club is a place where ordinary women get a chance to be extraordinary . Fong Ming , LeAnne & Pyng you have been associated with Crystal Toastmasters Club since our early years . You have seen this club growing from strengths to strengths and you have seen how our members have transformed. Yes, I must admit we still do not have the machinery to churn District Champions . But we are proud and grateful that this club have strong shared values and proven processes that have enabled it to churn out (1) women who give support so that others can grow (2) women who believe in paying forward and (3) women who could rewrite their destiny .

If Crystal Toastmasters Club has a reputation for its exceptional bonding among its members it is because we have women of strength who give support so that others can grows. (Identify some women of strength in the room)

If Crystal Toastmasters Club is perceived to have a formula for sustainable SUCCESS -it is because we have leaders who believe in paying forward. We have 11 past presidents still serving the club.

If Crystal Ladies have been able to rewrite their destiny i.e becoming more than what they thought they could be -it is because our club has been to manifest TI’s & our Club’s special mission .

15 years ago 22 Charter Members began to crystallize a dream – to empower women to rewrite their destiny . 15 years later this dream is almost a reality .

Happy 15th Anniversary Crystal Toastmasters Club.

Updated by Linda Phoon


  1. Here's Wishing You All Crystal Ladies, A Most Sparkling 15th Anniversary, And Many More Gem Years Ahead! Take Courage To Become Your Real Self, As You Rewrite Your Individual Destiny.


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