A Successful Term 2012/2013 - Message from Past Presidents

Dear Siew Tho ,

Congratulations for leading Crystal Toastmasters Club to another very successful year/term.
You have ended this term with a BIG BANG !!! Your slide show during last night spoke volumes of the hard work & heart work you have put to keep Crystal TMC on the President Distinguihed Club List . More important, you have ensured that every meeting was a quality meeting occassionally sprinkled with education programs . The two YLP Programs organized during your term gave our members the opportunity to serve the community and hone our skills as trainers and mentors.

You have kept our tradition of adding entertainment value to our meetings with exquisite themes . Even our AGM has never been a dreary affair . As always it has been Business cum Fun . What about the fabulous time we had at the Penang Convention recently . Not forgetting the dance performances by our ladies for Carolin & my birthdays parties . Whilst they might not be educational in any sense our ladies have a chance to Razzle & Dazzle .

We could not have asked for more .. we got more value for the money we paid ( Subscription and door fees ) .If we were to evaluate our club perfornce on MOMENTS OF TRUTH we could have scored 5/5 . And 6/5 if we include lifestyle ( parties & hoildays abroad) ...hehehe!
During your term ,Crystal Toastmasters Club received so many guests from other Toastmasters Clubs a momentum set off by IPPs Mei Foong & Emily Bong ( correct me if I am wrong) . If there was a contest for most popular club in District 51 , Crystal TMC would have been a very strong contender for 1st Prize...hehehe!

Well done , you have achieved more than what you have set out to do at the beginning of the term . You have out-performed yourself.

"Some people dream of great accomplishments, while others stay awake and do them.”

Siew Tho , you have achieved 'so much because you stayed awake and did all the things that you were able to pack in your dream'.

You are magnificent ... and Crystal Toastmasters Club is proud to have you be counted as one of our illustrious Past Presidents.

Welcome abroad.

Tan Saw Bee ACG CL
Past President


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