Flat World 2.0 - on 14th November 2011

Dear Crystal Ladies, friends and guests

Please join us on 14th November 2011, 7.30pm at Crystal Toastmaster Club and enjoy the evening with the theme - Flat World 2.0

Our TME of the evening, Tan Saw Bee, have given us a preview for the night.

In 2005 Thomas Friedman wrote ‘ The World Is Flat’ . The book set the world abuzz with excitements and apprehensions about the new platform of connectivity following the merger of globalization and IT revolution . Since then the world has become flatter . We have moved from Flat World 1.0 to Flat World 2.0 . In Flat World 1.0 we were connected with people who were previously unconnected . In Flat World 2.0 the platform for connectivity has got cheaper and mobile and we are now living in a hyper-connected world .

Invocation Speaker Bonnie Ang , ACS a former IT Consultant with Andersen Consulting & IBM will talk briefly about evolution of Flat World 1.0 to Flat World 2.0 and the profound implications on politics , commerce , workplace and the skills required by individuals in order to get and hold a job .

Come and join us ............  " YOU WILL NOT REGRET ".
See you soon.
Signing off
Linda Phoon


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