Key Notes for the Meeting 14 February 2011

Dear Members And Guests,

The meeting went on smoothly despite a little delay due the the heavy traffic jam and the unforeseen circumstances of members who did not turn up.

In Toastmasters we learned: 'Expect The Unexpected'

Thank you very much to one of our leader's Caroline Wong who volunteer to lead the team at the very last minute and diligently replace all role players in proper position.

Meeting called to start at 7:45pm:

President Lee Mei Foong, ACB ; on her Presidential Speech, "Valentine day celebration not only to the person you love, you may also extent your love to your parents, brothers & sisters and even your nephews and nieces". Mei Foong we Love you too......

Carolin Wong, ATMB Toastmasters of the Evening (TME) took over the control right after the President Speech. Role players were called to read out their role, and follow by Table Topic session lead by Tan Siew Eng, CC.

Table Topic Love quotes on wallpaper pictures & speakers as follows:

1st speaker Tan Saw Bee, ACG: " A Heart With Love Is Always Young" An eloquent speaker as we all know, Saw Bee express her emotion by saying, she look much older, in both, physical appearance and in heart, when she was in her forties then her late fifties now. Saw Bee life is like a bed of roses, she enjoys what she doing and she feel younger day by day.......

2nd speaker Low Laychi, ACG: "Can You Be Happy For No Reason" The Happy go Lucky LayChi suit this topic well'. Literally, LayChi is happy everyday, from the way of life she's leading. Blessed with a happy family, loving husband and her Royce Roy( children Rose & Roy) speeding fast to their career path. As a counseling member in her Church, she has see enough of couple suffering in their marriage and personal life. Therefore..... LayChi Can Be Happy For NO REASON .......,

3rd speaker Sivalingam, ACG: " If You See A Person With No Smile, Give Him Your Smile"Siva said, why this topic come to him, he has not been happy and smiling for two weeks.'Siva, you have come to the right place, you have received lots of smiles and hugs from us'. Don't you?The Law of Attraction has brought you to Crystal on this Valentine day......Lots of Love & Hugs from Crystals...........

4th speaker Karen Goh, CC: " A Friend Is Like The Flowers In Your Garden"Karen was called up to speak, she was so encouraging she went up despite of her lost of voice. Surprisingly, she was super..... Her body language expression had shown all what she's trying to express without her voice.This super fantastic speaker expressed her feeling , how friends meant to her during her needs in friends. The voiceless Karen, won the Best Table Topic speech through her Body Language.........

5th speaker Ng Siew Tho, CC: "Love At The First Sight"Siew Tho totally do not agree to this, she said true love need to develop through time. Some agreed and some don't..... I believed every individual have they different experienced. Some may truly found true love at first sight, some love may need to develop through the years of understanding. As the saying goes:'One Man Meat Is Another Man Poison'.......

3 Assignment speakers as follows:

1st speaker Tan Saw Bee, ACG: CC Project #6. Title The Happening In Me
Saw Bee shared with us the common happening in our daily life especially we human being, men/women reached the Fifties. We tend to forget where we place our thing, running up and down several time searching for the hand phone, purse then flowery spectacles and etc, before going out....

2nd speaker Emily Bong, CC: CCProject #8. The Beauty Of Toastmasters.
Emily share her success journey in Toastmasters. She see the value in this Education program and believed members would benefit far beyond just the simple Public speaking skill. She had also gained knowledge by attending Toastmasters International Training and also benefited from attending Toastmasters Convention in Miri last year.

3rd speaker Tammy Lim, TM: CC Project #1. Title Rose Marly, My Mother.'Seeing is believing'
Tammy spoke flawlessly in her first speech. As her Evaluator Tan Saw Bee commented that Tammy did a marvelous presentation as a first timer, speaking before the audience. She met all her objectives, by telling us her childhood story, one family to another family. We certainly got to know Tammy better, after listening to her roller coaster life story. We all agreed to Saw Bee, "she is obviously a good story teller". Her melodies Voice, Pitch and Tone...... Wave her all the way to the BEST SPEAKER'S of the night........

Congratulations to all..... in making another successful meeting....and the steady stream of guests who become members.......Our walk in guest Mr Chung was amazed how Toastmasters program runs, will be back to visit again after joining TM.

Siew Tho 17 years old niece Wan Chyng can't wait for another year to join Toastmasters.

Members were still in the mood of Chinese New Year. Toasting of 'Yee Sang and Carolin birthday was celebrated during the break.Wishing all our friends, Well and Happy and many more Wonderful years ahead of you and a Blessed Birthday to Carolin.......

A Big Thanks to our Division Governor Irene Lee the table topic master, General Evaluator Low LayChi, speech evaluators Sivalingam, Teng Yoong and Saw Bee. Not forgetting the impromptu person in action, Serene, Siew Tho, Mei Foong and Siew Eng........ and also to all attendees for the consistently attendance to make Crystal a Greater and a Stronger Club.

Thank you to all and it's my pleasure to Grow With you........

Warmest Regards
Emily Bong
Tammy, you are great...As ice breaker won the best assignment speaker.

Karen Goh -The best table topics speaker
Group Photo with birthday lady
Carolin -Birthday Lady in the month of Feb

Yummy! Yummy! Good food

"Lou Sang"-wishing a properous year for the of year 2011

Crystal Toastmasters Club(VP-E)


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