Crystal TMC Meeting Keynotes 23rd June 2014
MY HEROES & HEROINES Heroes & heroines are often referred to as a person whom in the opinion of others, has heroic qualities or has performed a heroic act and are normally regarded as a role model or idol for others. So ladies, who are your heroes or heroines? TME TM Lee Kit Yuen has found her heroines in Crystal Toastmasters Club. What about you? I hope you found yours too. Thank you TME Lee Kit Yuen for her maiden TME session. She brilliantly brought in this idea in conjunction to father’s day celebration which falls on the third Sunday of June annually. Our invocation presenter, ACG CL Tan Saw Bee inspired us with her statement on Life is an Echo. Whatever you give, it will come back to you eventually. If you give kindness & goodness, you will get kindness & goodness in return. We must internalise this practice in serving others. If it wasn’t for the kindness act of our past president, Crystal Toastmasters Club will not be as famous compared to now espec...