International Speech and Table Topic Contest were successfully conducted on March 10, 2014. There are 5 contestants in International Speech contest and 7 contestants in Table Topic contests.

Our Organizing chair, Emily Bong started her opening address by congratulates the contestants for their courage and eagerness in learning. It is the time of the year to see some blossomed members moving up to the next level. Contests are the fuel of the speaking program that keeps us moving forward to achieve the ultimate goal in public speaking.
Our International Speech contest chair Jennifer Pan briefed the contestants and audience on rules and regulations which needed to be observed during the contest. Thereafter, contest started in the following sequence;
1. Ogy Ong           -        Better Be Safe Than Sorry
2. Linda Phoon     -        Guardian Angels
3. Pua Yu Min      -        Which One Are You?
4. Vivien Seow     -        Attitude Is The Choice
5. Nicole Yap       -        S. H. E. Decision
All contestants were deliberately practice and delivered their best speech ever to lead the contest to another level. Bravo to all contestants.
Table Topic contest started right after the 15 minutes short breaks. Our Table Topic contest chair Serene Tingprompted the SAA on duties to lead way to all contestants to a secluded area while remained the first speaker on the floor before the contest starts. Thereafter, all contestants started their elaboration on “Pro and Cons of Internet” in the following sequence;
1. Ng Siew Tho
2. Ogy Ong
3. Low Laychi
4. Pua Yu Min
5. Lee Mei Foong
6. Lim Pei Ying
7. Nicole Yap 
Yes....Our heart beating moment finally arrived. The champion for International Speech Contests goes to Pua Yu Min, followed by Linda Phoon as first runner up. Sad to quote that the contests prizes only limited to two due to two disqualified contestants.
As for Table Topic Contest, a “Big Hand” to our new appointed member Lim Pei Ying, who won away the champion, followed by Low Laychi as first runner up and Lee Mei Foong as second runner up.

Congratulations to all the winners. All of you are amazing and simply gorgeous in your own style. Champion Pua Yu Min and Lim Pei Ying will represent Crystal Toastmasters Club in the area 4 & area 5 joint contests at Tropicana Golf and Country Club on April 5, 2014. All Crystal ladies are encouraged to attend to show your full support to our Champion on that day. Please mark your calendar on the below details:
Date :          5th April 2014 (Saturday)
Venue :       Green Room 2
                   Tropicana Golf & Country Club
See You There.....................
Key notes by Ogy Ong, VPE 2013/ 2014
Uploaded by Nicole Yap, VPPR 2012-2014


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