KL 2012 Convention - Gala Night

Crystal Toastmasters Club took part at the KL 2012 Convention by hosting the Gala Night and lead by Lee Mei Foong. Theme for the night - Gold and Silver. Everything went on smoothly as planned. The night was filled with line up action packed events.

The event kick off with the marching in of the Organizing Chair - Irene Lee and followed by the District Officers. The dinner spark off with the "Food Presentation" and followed by the 8 course dinner.

During dinner, the delegates was entertained with the " Opening Gambit " which was lead by Tammy Lim. All the ladies are dressed in black with the blue and pink feathers. They dance in style "...... Rolling ...... Rolling ....... on the river ..........." It capture the audience hearts and awarded with thunderous applaused. All the time spend practising was definitely worth it.

The next in line was the "Poker Face" lead by Low Lay Chi. Wow ! wow ! wow !...... she and her team swayed dynamicly on the dance floor with the sexy and action packed movements. Some of the audience even moved nearer to the stage with their eyes capturing every movement. And, camera are everywhere..... snap, snap and snap.

Moving further to the evening, the "Award Presentation " took place. All the delegates happily went up to the stage to received their recognization awards. For the term 2012/2013 we have Saw Bee as our Area Governor for B4, Ng Sok Teng as our Area Governor B5 and Emily Bong as our Area Governor B6. Congratulation !!  And, it did not stop here as "Crystal Toastmasters Club " was awarded with "Super Passionate Club Award ". Hooray !! ...... Hooray !! .......... Hooray !!.

The event ended with a most meaning and inspiring performance done by Saw Bee. She bring each and everyone of us closer with her song " ....... where are we ......... ". Everyone participates in her performance by singing along and joining hands together. The feeling of togetherness, bonding and team work was so greatly felt in each and everyone of us that it touch our hearts. To our georgous Saw Bee, we LOVE you !!

Below are some of the group photos of the Gala night committees. Please give yourself a pad on the shoulder for the  job well done !!

Signing off

Linda Phoon


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