Keynotes for the meeting - 13/2/2012


13/2/2012 was a first timer night. A night with 6 first timers, i.e.:-

1 ice breaker
5 role players

Not to mention also that it is also the first meeting after Chinese New Year.

Ogy Ong took the role as the TME. It was her first time. She organised the meeting rather well and ensured that the meeting was conducted smoothly.

Pua Yu Min confidently took the role as the Table Topics Master. It was her first attempt.

There were 5 Table Topics Speakers:-

1.Carolin Wong –spoke on her views on the year 2012
2.Kwa Ngah Eng –shared with us her best dream she recalled in her life
3.Tan Saw Bee- gave us her views about Flowers
4.Jennifer Pan –shared with us on what is Happiness
5.Tan Siew Eng- spoke about Sadness. She advised us to live for the present and enjoy life to the fullest. Do not look back but to move forward. We were so entertained and amused by her speech. She won the Best Table Topic Speaker.

Four (4) Assignment Speakers:-

1. Nana Halim did her ice breaker speech. She shared with us her romantic story with her ex-boyfriend, who is now her husband. About how they met and fell in love with each other. Her evaluator, Tan Siew Eng was impressed with her presentation.

2. Aida Ang spoke on “Phobia”. She was evaluated by Linda Phoon(First time as the Evaluator)

3. Jennifer Pan spoke on “Travel Light”. She shared with us about detachment. Detached to Beauty. We were shocked she shaved her hair on Thaipusam Day. She was evaluated by Tan Saw Bee.

4. Tammy Lim entertained us with her “Wrong Place, Wrong Time”. Her evaluator Yip See See gave an impressive evaluation. All of us were amazed by both of their performance. We were electrified by their speech. Both of them won the Best Assignment Speaker and Best Evaluator.
Well done and Congratulations!

Word of the day –“Reciprocate”
Meaning: respond to (a gesture or action) by making a corresponding one

The grammarian, Serene Ting was very disappointed. None of the members at the Meeting has used the word of the day It was because, everyone were all so engrossed in the speeches that it was forgotten.

We have imported Kwa Ngah Eng, DTM as the General Evaluator. She emphasized that Crystal is a very strong club. She was amazed with the members’ spirit of learning. Members helping members, members loving the Club.

During the break, we celebrated February “Babies” Birthday:-

Caroline Wong -19/2
Cheah 24/2
Pua Yu Min 24/2

All in all, it was a great meeting, great learning and great fellowship night.

best regards
Ng Siew Tho


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