Installation Night for term 2011 / 2012

Our Installation Night was held in Gopeng at  Adeline's Resthouse on 6th August - 7th August 2011. Theme : Hawaiian Nite

Our meeting point was near Sharon's house at 7.30am and our journey started at 8am.

The early "leng lui(s)" waiting for the arrival of our bus !!

Look at the happy-go-lucky ladies !!

Some of the guests and Crystal ladies getting acquaintance ..............

The mother and daughter And the boyfriend and girlfriend !!

On the way to Gopeng, we stopped at Tualang and had a delicious and SATIATING lunch. To me that was a gastronomical adventure  not to be missed .All I can said was "yummyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy".  We had -  hugefresh water prawns, fish, crabs, ho chien, kampung chicken, and many more..

Emily, good recommendation !!

Photos as below.

Happily posting and waiting at the lunch table

 After lunch, we continued  our journey to our destination -  "Adeline's Resthouse" . We reached Gopeng at a 1pm. As the "kampung road" was too narrow for the bus to proceed , we were transported by 2 lorries to the Adeline's Resthouse . That was a whale of an experience . It was liked taking a roller coaster ride albeit on uneven road . Of course , our  urbane ladies screamed all the way . Some screamed just for the heck of it. After all we don't often get opportunities like this one . The lorry ride was fun and really enjoyable.

Loading our belonging to the van

The lorry that is transferring some of us ................

Upon reaching and checking into "Adeline's Resthouse", we went to our waterfall picnic. The waterfall was so cold and refreshing. At the first dip  into the cool and refreshing water, I had an immense feeling of freedom . I felt I wanted " to break free" . Some  of ladies, took advantage of Spa-like environment that the waterfall  offered , they had a good body scrub with the natural sand at the waterfall.  The result - they were all  "Snowy White" after the natural sand scrubbed.

Walking to the waterfall .........................

Joann  and  I  .........................

Mr. & Mrs Bong and family .................

Group photos !!

Our highlight of the event, "Installation Night" was in the evening with the buffet kampung style dinner.  Our Installation officer was none other than our  "LeAnn Tang ". She was an energetic, sporting and humble lady.

DINNER at Adeline 's  Resthouse...............

The caterer preparing our dinner ...........................

Some of the ladies taking the food and posting for the camera lady ............................. ME !!

Enjoying our dinner !!

Siew Tho and Caroline ................. they look so pretty and sweet !!

Happy faces !!
Julie assisting with the registration ................

 BEST DRESSED - Our Christina Kon reminded me of  the song from Pretty Woman . She was that pretty woman walking down the street .......... Look how beautiful she was !!

Prized as the "BEST DRESSED" ..............

The highlight of our EVENT ................. Installation of Officers of this term Exco members . Token of appreciation from our IPP - Lee Mei Foong for  outgoing Officers ...........

Officers badges !!

Installation taking place !!

Party times - we had games, singing and gyrating of bodies ................... Every  event for that night was so happening.  The belly dancing was new to me but I enjoyed it to the fullest. The belly  dancing "Guru" was a great instructor ........ Great Job Karen Hee !!

Celebration for August babies !! ............. Happy Birthday to Saw Bee, Christina, Yi - Lin, Joann and Michelle ......................

Happy Birthday !!
 We ended our installation with a feeling  of happiness, satisfaction and success !! ............ This didn't mean that it ended here, but, it was the  beginning of a new chapter and a new Term.

Crystal ladies, " YOU CAN DO IT ".

As shown below is a Group Photo of us. A special "Thank You" to everyone for the contribution of SUCCESS for the Installation especially to Le Ann as the Installation Officer, Saw Bee as Emcee, Karee Hee as the "Guru of Belly Dancing", Michael who was in charge of the sound system and Sharon as the Games Master. I would said it was a Great Night for everyone !! Hope to see all of you next year again.

A job well done !! ............

Extract from 2011 / 2012 President - Emily Bong's address  during the Installation! 

" Things changed the moment I accepted President position. Requirements went up, responsibilities went up and expectations went up as well.

My new  tagline ‘Commit With Passion’ .... . I am confident that my Exco  , the outgoing President Lee Mei Foong and also our numerous past presidents will give me their fullest support and guide me to another level of success ."

Signing off

Linda Phoon


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