Keynotes for 11 Jan 2011 Meeting
Dear Crystal Ladies, fellow Toastmasters friends from MBTC and Tmn Indrahana and guests, 33 pax ! What a great attendance for this 1st meeting of the Golden Rabbit year, Yeah !! That night was such a special night because…….. 1) Encouraging and high attendance. In Chinese, 33 means “ Sang Sang Fatt Fatt ” symbolizes prosperity. I am sure we will prosper and continue to have high attendance for all coming meetings. 2) Support from other Toastmasters. We have 4 toastmasters friends came in to play roles a. From MBTC TMC, we have … Sam Leong, the President, as Evaluator for Tan Saw Bee. Vincent Ho, as our Table Topics Evaluator b. From Tmn Indrahana, Yeoh Cheng Lim, as our General Evaluator Dr Devi, as our Grammarian THANK YOU !!!! Sam, Vincent, Yeoh and Dr Devi for being with us and supporting us ! From left, Sam Leong, Saw Bee, Vincent. Our Great G.E. Yeoh Cheng Lim 3) We achieved 6 DCP points (within first 7 months of the term) following Lee ...