
Showing posts from April, 2015

" Let Your Image Speak by Itself" Workshop by DTM Deborah Leong on 27th April 2015

Uploaded by Joey Cheng VPPR Term 2014/2015 Crystal Toastmasters Club

Join us on 13rd April 2015 " The Joy of Giving" by TME Joey Cheng

Designed and Uploaded by Joey Cheng VPPR Term 2014/2015 Crystal Toastmasters Club

Crystal Toastmasters Meeting on 23rd March 2015 by TME Sue Ellen

It was an evening filled with fervent energy and enthusiasm with Sue Ellen who took over the rostrum as TME with her theme: Step Up and Move On....  As an old and popular member of Crystals, expectation level was set sky high for that night. What  more with the President away on a work assignment and the poor Acting President and Yours Truly had to by default, take the centre  stage with her heart in her mouth!!! Yes the Club has achieved 10/10 DCP goals, thank you to all who have made this happened. But where do we go from now? Definitely  it is no hibernation time for us. There is no stopping now. We need acceleration! As Sue Ellen had said, we have to step up and move on together to reach for more pinnacles and I have to remind all that we have the next Crystal’s commitment to full-fill.  “ The 10/10 DCP goals for the next term 2015/2016 has just begun....” The night saw several gutsy ladies who so willingly took the bull by the horns do w...