On 22 nd October 2012, our Toastmaster of the Evening, Nana Halim, TM, brought us together with the Theme – Bloom. It was indeed a blossom evening with the ladies and even our General Evaluator, Benny Chia, ACB, CL came in floral design fabric attire. In every Toastmasters meeting it is a journey of fun learning and for the evening, I practically found myself to be a better poser for photography session through “ How To Be Photogenic “. Thank you KL Cheah for the tips !! Random photos of the happening for the evening. Photographer - Nicole Yap :- Our General Evaluator for the evening, Benny Chia, ACB, CL Induction ceremony of new members with their mentors. Elmira, TM with her mentor, Jennifer Pan, CC, CL and Lee Sooi Ming, TM with her mentor Yip See See, ATMS. Yip See See, ATMS, Nana Halim, TM and Tammy, CC, posing for the photography session. Our birthday babies for the month of October 2012 - L...