Keynotes for the meeting 11/4/2011

Theme: Rite of Passage

Leading by example, Past President Tan Saw Bee, ACG, reached out to all club members. She implored and inspired them to aspire to be the President of Crystal Toastmasters Club through her speech title:" The Rite of Passage". She added that members should consider taking smaller leader roles in club and work towards moving up the leadership ladder.

Saw Bee stressed that Crystal Toastmasters Club's success has been the manifestation of dreams crystallized by the pioneers of this club.The 12 Past Presidents have been instrumental in transforming the dreams into reality. Their efforts have made all the difference.

Joel Barker said, "Vision without action is a dream. Action without vision is simply passing the time. Action with Vision is making a positive difference."

Crystal Toastmasters Club has been blessed with both vision and action. On 11/4/2011, Emily and Saw Bee took 'action', each completed her last CC and contributed the 9th Goal for the club. Their collective 'action' has made a positive difference to the club.


Crystal Toastmasters Club for achieving President Distinguished TM club on 11/4/2011 (before we achieve the perfect 10 scores), let's us give our moral support to Joanne and Boon Har who will be contributing the 10th Goal for the club.

The meeting was not all work and no play. Laychi, ACG, ingeniously used the charade game to draw out laughter's from the audience. it was a roaring success!!!!

Division B, Area Gavenor B5, Paulyn Gan ACB, who graced the meeting, volunteered to be our Table Topics Evaluator even though she was not feeling well. And her husband, Johnson Yik, DTM, graciously accepted the role of General Evaluator. Thank you Johnson and Paulyn for your insightful and entertaining evaluations. our thanks also went to our regular guest Lim Thiam Seng, ACB from Taman Indrahana TM for being one of the speech evaluators.

Of course thanks and praises went to our TME Linda Phoon TM, for her first attempt as Toastmasters of the Evening. It was an exhilarating experience for her and that has motivated to queue up to be one of the future TME.

Thank you to all Crystal members, guests, members to be Jeannie and Irene Foong and potential TM member Chooi Keng and her children. Undeniably everyone present contributed to this "Triumphant & Successful Meeting"....

best regards
Emily Bong


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