Crystal TMC Meeting Keynotes 9 Dec 2013

Joy makes our heart a little lighter Peace bring us all a little nearer Love makes our friends a little dearer Thank you TME TM Serene Ting, our ever happy and enchanting lady, who always laugh without cause…… for lifting our festive and celebration mood. YES................……… December is a month of celebration and bonding. December is a month of Thanksgiving. Another round of applause to our TME Serene Ting for her generosity of giving out her “lovely soap” as a gift for all attendees to bring back. Inspired by the theme “ Joy , Peace & Love” and word of the evening “Blissful” , our table topic master CTM CL Sharon Lam advised us to start each day with good words and end each day with a sentence “ I did my best. ” She walks the talk by preparing a list of profound phrases for all the table topic speakers to choose from. Just to name a few as below; 1. D...